1988, Beijing. Westerners were still, literally, referred to as “foreign devils” when Francesco Sisci, then a sinology student, was the first non Chinese ever admitted to the prestigious China Academy of Social Sciences. Known as CASS, the China’s top state run research body had been set up in 1978, the beginning of Deng Xiaoping’s reforms,
Getting your dream job or starting that business is all about knowing how to sell 3-week immersive boot camp to learn all there is to know about sales The Maverick Sales Boot Camp is the only fully immersive program to scale your sales, learn the art and science of closing deals, and develop effective communication
La contraddizione “strutturale” esistente tra le due diverse procedure di omologazione. Come era prevedibile lo “scandalo Volkswagen” coinvolge anche BMW e non è escluso che sia esteso ad altre case automobilistiche. Infatti, l’origine non va ricercata in un’iniziativa illegale della Volkswagen, ma nel Regolamento europeo (CE n. 175/2007) che stabilisce, non solo i limiti di
Angela Merkel non è solita tradire emozioni. Nota per una cautela ai limiti dell’attendismo, spesso accusata di tatticismo, criticata per la gestione dilatoria della crisi greca, di quella finanziaria, di far proprie politiche socialdemocratiche rinunciando a quelle del proprio partito, questa donna riflessiva, poco versata nell’oratoria, cambia radicalmente registro e toni davanti alle masse di
LEARN. GROW. DO. BE INSPIRED TO CHANGE YOURSELF, AND THE WORLD AROUND YOU. What comes to mind when you hear the word “founder” or “entrepreneur”? Few people imagine a 27 year old Brazilian female biologist, much less a mother of 3 kids. The gender imbalance in entrepreneurship and tech is a real problem. Countless hours