The West From Brexit to the Five Stars Movement in Italy, Marie le Pen in France, Alternative für Deuscthland or Donald Trump in the US, western politics in in turmoil. This time, it seems more than a protest vote. Are we witnessing a crisis of democratic legitimacy? On the two sides of the Atlantic, citizens
Digitalizzazione, realtà aumentata, stampa in 3D, Internet delle Cose, logistica adattativa. Le nuove tecnologie confluiscono rapidamente nella costruzione di sistemi ciberfisici – luoghi di incontro tra virtuale e reale – che cambieranno profondamente il modo di vivere, lavorare, produrre. E potrebbero salvare l’Europa dalla desertificazione industriale. Amberg, 2014. Inaugurata da Siemens, l’avanguardistica “Fabbrica Digitale” offre
Written in collaboration with Corrado Clini, Former Minister for the Environment of Italy La Cina si candida alla guida del sistema energetico internazionale e annuncia la costruzione dell’ “Internet dell’Energia”. Resa possibile dall’innovativo sistema UHV (Ultra High Voltage), una rete elettrica globale connetterà i continenti e consentirà lo scambio di energia prodotta anche da fonti
Written in collaboration with Corrado Clini, Former Minister for the Environment of Italy THE CASE AGAINST VOLKSWAGEN: A BLOW TO THE EUROPEAN MARKET The case against Volkswagen is a blow for the diesel market and raises questions about the European automotive industry. The future lies in innovation. Today, automakers spend more than $100 billion annually
What comes to mind when you hear the word “founder” or “entrepreneur”? Few people imagine a 27 year old Brazilian female biologist, much less a mother of 3 kids. The gender imbalance in entrepreneurship and tech is a real problem. Countless hours of debate have done little more than create confusion and an pointless battle
Hello everyone! Hope you are all doing well. Quick update on the tour! After my last email we have travelled to Turin, Geneva and Budapest. Again very successful exobases, you can check our albums of pictures here: Tomorrow we are travelling to Prague, and then we will head to Berlin, before Warsaw and the baltic
The German daily Die Zeit had a nice “scoop” yesterday, about a confidential Franco-German document outlining radical reforms for the Euro zone.According to the Die Zeit report, the plan envisions stronger coordination of economic policies within the monetary union with enhanced powers for the meeting of the Finance Ministers (Eurogroup). In exchange the European Parliament
Che le olimpiadi non siano sempre un buon affare per chi le ospita è un fatto. Tanto più se mancano solidi business plan e capacità manageriali di livello. L’avvitarsi della crisi greca, ad esempio, fu di certo legata anche al peso eccessivo dei giochi di Atene del 2004 sulla capacità finanziaria complessiva e sul PIL
A rather timely coincidence, in my last blog I remarked that Russia’s investment in a modern soft power infrastructure is starting to pay off. Slow but sure, Moscow’s counter-narrative is gaining ground among western audiences. Browsing online today, I stumble into something that makes me wince. “EU needs to earmark money to withstand Russia, say