Il Master in International Business Management, interamente svolto in inglese, forma profili specializzati nell’internazionalizzazione d’impresa e nelle tecniche del commercio internazionale. Il Master rappresenta uno dei percorsi più importanti e strategici per i giovani neolaureati, stante l’accelerazione del processo di internazionalizzazione delle imprese italiane e la necessità di figure tecnico-manageriali competenti in materia di internazionalizzazione,
The West From Brexit to the Five Stars Movement in Italy, Marie le Pen in France, Alternative für Deuscthland or Donald Trump in the US, western politics in in turmoil. This time, it seems more than a protest vote. Are we witnessing a crisis of democratic legitimacy? On the two sides of the Atlantic, citizens
Digitalizzazione, realtà aumentata, stampa in 3D, Internet delle Cose, logistica adattativa. Le nuove tecnologie confluiscono rapidamente nella costruzione di sistemi ciberfisici – luoghi di incontro tra virtuale e reale – che cambieranno profondamente il modo di vivere, lavorare, produrre. E potrebbero salvare l’Europa dalla desertificazione industriale. Amberg, 2014. Inaugurata da Siemens, l’avanguardistica “Fabbrica Digitale” offre
1988, Beijing. Westerners were still, literally, referred to as “foreign devils” when Francesco Sisci, then a sinology student, was the first non Chinese ever admitted to the prestigious China Academy of Social Sciences. Known as CASS, the China’s top state run research body had been set up in 1978, the beginning of Deng Xiaoping’s reforms,
Getting your dream job or starting that business is all about knowing how to sell 3-week immersive boot camp to learn all there is to know about sales The Maverick Sales Boot Camp is the only fully immersive program to scale your sales, learn the art and science of closing deals, and develop effective communication
Written in collaboration with Corrado Clini, Former Minister for the Environment of Italy THE CASE AGAINST VOLKSWAGEN: A BLOW TO THE EUROPEAN MARKET The case against Volkswagen is a blow for the diesel market and raises questions about the European automotive industry. The future lies in innovation. Today, automakers spend more than $100 billion annually